The settlement was named after the Holy Apostle Paul and the youngest son of Emperor Alexander II - Grand Duke Pavel Alexandrovich.
The town of Pavel Banya is a national balneological center. The city has become famous for its healing mineral waters. They are characterized as weakly mineralized, hypothermal, radon, silicon and fluorine. Mineral waters with a temperature of 50 to 61 ° C gush from the seven natural drilling springs. The resort is profiled for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the peripheral nervous system, diseases of the central nervous system and more.
On the territory of Pavel Banya spring the healing waters of a total of 9 natural hydrothermal springs, with similar chemical composition and total flow of 950 l / minute, low mineralized and slightly alkaline, two with neradon water. The total mineralization of the water is 0.650 mg / l, hardness - 1.7 ° dH. The mineral water is slightly mineralized, hydrocarbonate-sodium, hyperthermal, radon, silicon and fluorine with a slightly alkaline reaction (pH: 7.5 - 7.9).