Sofia is the capital and largest city of Bulgaria. Located in the central part of Western Bulgaria, in the Sofia valley and is surrounded by mountains: Vitosha and Plana from the south, Sofia mountain (part of Stara Lanina) from the north, Lyulin from the west, and Lozenska mountain (part of Ihtiman Sredna gora) from the east . This makes it the fourth tallest capital in Europe. It is built on the four terraces of the Iskar River and its tributaries. Sofia's climate is moderately continental.
Sofia is the main administrative, industrial, transport, cultural and university center of the country, and it is home to 1/6 of Bulgaria's industrial production. The Bulgarian Academy of Sciences is also located here. many universities, theaters, cinemas, as well as the National Art Gallery, archeological, historical, natural and other museums. Visible archeological monuments from Roman times have been preserved in many places in the city center.
Sofia is named after the late antique early Christian cathedral church of the city "St. Sophia" (Greek Ἁγία Σοφία in Latin: Sancta Sophia; or "Holy Wisdom of God" (one of the names of the young Jesus Christ)). Sofia was declared the capital on April 3, 1879, as an old Bulgarian city, far from the Turkish border and centrally located in the Bulgarian ethnic land.
The motto of the capital is "Grows but does not grow old".